Causing a ruckus....

Libraries are generally not the place to make much noise. And I didn't mean to......
Being the morning person that I am, an early morning trip to the campus library is the norm, lots of free computers, near silence, bliss. Although I am said morning person, actual sleep deprivation is another kettle of fish, and upon standing up from the wooden computer desk (in the silent area of the library, no less) I give my delicate knee and almighty crack against the wood. Cue the...
*muffled, nearly swear words*
as fellow morning people around merrily smirk at my misfortune. We're all sadists at heart.
Managed to pull myself together, grab my books and take them out using the machines*, off to enjoy my lecture. Upon my timely return to check the availability of more books, since the help desk only opens at the leisurely hour of 10am, alas, no luck, time to tootle on home. Through the alarmed gate. With my fully and legally checked out books (from that morning) under my arm. Need I go on?
Needless to say, I was extremely indignant to find alarms blaring all around me, the rule abiding student that I am, and was of course, rather pi***d off at being held up.
"I think you'll find I checked these out earlier this morning" I barked at the attendant/security guard, glaring in an irritated manner. (Perhaps the phrase "morning person" is an overstatement)
"In fact, I have the receipt in my bag," I continued smugly.....
Or did I? My glare quickly softened to a sheepish grin the longer I searched for the seemingly non-existent receipt.....
Many people looking....face burning....thinking of the £5 fine charged for gate alarms.....
Ah Hah! Found the little bugger! In your face, you power-tripping security man!!!
However, I will endeavorsur to be much quieter in the library in future....
*Self service library machines which enable you to take out/bring back books, without bothering the nice people at the helpdesk. They issue receiptsts. Luckily.
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