In the Soupermarket

Myself and HID had a wander round my fave supermarket the other day. I always get a small trolley, as it's just the two of us, but since I rarely drive all the way to said fave supermarket anymore, so, as usual, it was piled dangerously high, even only halfway round. HID always gets soup, and I leave him to it as soup bores me. I need something to munch, and I've never been one for hot liquids; I don't even do brews. Soup was on offer so he got about 20 or something ridiculous, but two minutes later saw a sign on an "end" display of the rows that made him doubt that all the flavours were on offer. He stopped dead in the centre of the middle, main isle, and proceeded to root through the tins. I pointed out that he was in everyone's way, and we both swung the very heavy trolley round into the nearest isle, the weight of the trolley clipping a display as it went. A display of about 80 bathroom cleaning sprays. They began to tumble.... 30 crashes later, an exasperated HID started to pick up and put back the plastic bottles of cleaner. I went to his aid, bit found myself very tickled by the incident. He caught my eye, and soon we were giggling like school kids as we tried to right our wrong, since each time we touched the display, another bottle leaped off to the floor. Eventually, all was well, and we scarpered off before yet more started to tumble....
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