Monday, June 15, 2009

Inner Strength

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to wrestle a crocodile? Or perhaps a bear of other fierce beastie? Not me. I have found a pass time so similar and mundane it may well shock you: toddler-wrestling. Now, I bet many of you, many a time, have used a (debatably) free arm to pin down a small child as you attempted to clothe him/her in today's loving chosen outfit/thoroughly dry the child after a bath in the hope of preventing discomfort & skin irritation/clean up a messy nappy without getting poo in/on his/her/your hair/hands/clothes etc. Although, realistically of course, toddlers are much louder creatures. I have decided that this is at least a two person pass time, due to it's you-pin-him-down-I'll-sock-it-to-him nature as a job. Unfortunately, 6-7, I'm on my own. I don't know if anyone else has ever worried this (apart from lovely husband, HID) but I do sometimes have a moment during nappy changes where I debate to myself the amount of "force" necessary to get the job done. If I gripped much harder, would there be a mark left? If he twists this way, god his arm could even break! What is it with children so very strong willed that they would whole-heartedly rather sit in a shitty nappy and stink and get a bright red and sore behind than lie still for two minutes? These extreme measures are a last resort obviously, for wet nappies, I'm happy to let him be "born free" for fifteen minutes while he gets himself more in the mood for a touch of obedience, same for getting dressed, I plan double or triple the time it actually takes, we don't need to rush. I have tried giving him a toy, book, singing, wearing animal masks, talking calmly, giving him milk during, etc, he is not fooled and this is the same as any other battle of wills, sorry, I meant nappy change. I am truly amazed at how very strong a person who has only been of this earth for eighteen months can be, it's really quite scary. Of course, it's not the physical strength that's the real issue here, it's the spirited child in him. He does not want the same things as mummy at this time, possibly never will. So how do I change a nappy without breaking my child's will?! I hate being big, bad mummy, the toddler wrestler. Daddy's not keen either, nor Nanna. Solutions? Bit early for potty training/learning to dress himself. Hmmm. Is anyone currently inventing a sort of strap-me-down device that also amuses small children no end, so they coo and gurgle when being changed (much like in my head when I was pregnant??)? Why did I ever encourage him to learn to rollover! (or sit up, or walk off, or shout at me........)


At 9:40 am , Blogger JK said...

I can thoroughly empathise. Not sure what the solution is though!

At 1:07 pm , Blogger san said...

LOL brilliant post! So true too. It constantly amazes me how physically strong babies and toddlers are and how stubborn too.
Nappy changing is a tricky one. I'm afraid I have to pin my toddler down sometimes until he submits. I give the baby something to hold to stop his hands going in the poo. Doesn't always work!
Getting dressed is also fun. I've followed the toddler round with a Tshirt for half an hour.
Funnily enough he's perfectly behaved for his Daddy and his Grandma :-)

At 4:12 pm , Blogger Tim Atkinson said...

I've no advice to offer, either. Although I fear my one hand-holding-both-legs days are numbered...

At 1:18 pm , Anonymous gina said...

so much work, but in the later years we miss the trials.

At 9:16 pm , Blogger The wife of bold said...

Great's very true i have several battles a day and now mine are sometimes too quick to catch, they run off in the middle of getting dressed and think it's funny to play hide and seek arrgh!

At 9:32 am , Blogger Katherine said...

Wow, yes I'm just returning to the nappy thing as #3 is getting very mobile (too mobile for his tender 7 months). My friend recommended turning the other way to change the nappy, so far than sitting in front of them you're back would be to them and very gently putting your arm across their torso (she had 3 VERY mobile boys!) it seems to work, but I know where you're coming from!

At 7:28 pm , Blogger Unknown said...

Ummm if you find a solution let me know!! Playing music sometimes helps with Baby B but mostly she's off as soon as I try and undo the first tab!!


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